Hi. I'm Tuğcan.

A Designer & A Developer.

I'm passionate about fusing creativity and technology, I design experiences that I can code.

Live Projects
Your personal time capsule, designed to make every moment count. Whether you’re setting ambitious goals, making bold predictions, or reflecting on your journey, Thothr provides a fun and meaningful way to capture your thoughts and revisit them when the time is just right.
AI Design Review, your personal AI-powered design assistant that revolutionizes the way feedback is received and implemented in the creative process. Whether you're a professional, student, or a developer with an eye for design.
A revolutionary app designed to simplify your life and boost your productivity. With its sleek and intuitive interface, eightthings helps you stay focused and organized by prioritizing the core tasks that matter most to you.
Tutku Çevik is a Visual Communication Designer with a strong focus on UI/UX Design and Branding. She is passionate about creating meaningful and delightful experiences. She is also my wife. :)
Trivia Web App_Icon
SvelteKit Trivia App
SvelteKit Trivia App is a fun, interactive game built with SvelteKit! Test your knowledge with a sleek, responsive design. Challenge yourself or play with friends—it’s a great way to see SvelteKit in action! 🚀🎉
A package for Vapor that provides pre-configured authentication for relational databases. It automates the process of creating all the necessary boilerplates.
A template to create a new Vapor project with ease of Authomatek and ConnectableKit packages! It is a ready-to-use project template for Vapor.
ConnectableKit is a Swift package for the Vapor framework that simplifies the response DTOs and JSON structures for API projects.
about tugcanonbas.com This little corner of the internet is my digital playground. Built from scratch (several times over), it's a canvas where I blend my love for code with my thirst for creative expression. Tackling new technologies head-on, I've woven SvelteKit, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS into its fabric, all the while keeping an eye on responsive design to ensure it looks great on any device.

But it's more than just code. It's a journey—of challenges, of learning, of growth. Every iteration tells a story of discovery and determination. It's here that I've found my voice as a designer and developer, pushing boundaries and pursuing excellence.

Welcome to my world, crafted with passion, coded with lots of coffee and love.